Our quality is our competitive advantage...

You can always be confident about the quality of AMTC’s products. Our quality inspections for our products help us in delivering the delicious fresh foods requested by our business partners.

We ensures that we can comply with the food safety, quality and traceability requirements of different markets.

The unique mixture of global and local know-how allows AMTC to respond to the changing demands on food safety and quality.

We make sure to keep an eye on our products during each and every step of the manufacturing process. Our Quality Management System starts on farms we do the necessity to help the farmers improve the quality of their produce.

We apply the practices which are recognized internationally , Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure quality and food safety as GMP covers all aspects of manufacturing starting from the standard operating procedures passing by people management and training, equipment maintenance, and handling of materials.

Our products are used safely with the highest level of quality for the consumer thanks to the information carried on each product.

Our customer service team is dedicated to respond immediately to any customer inquiries & concerns.